The Nerdy Goalsetter

Why Having a Mentor is a Vital Component for Establishing a Successful Career

March 9, 2019 Comments Off on Why Having a Mentor is a Vital Component for Establishing a Successful Career

Why Having a Mentor is a Vital Component for Establishing a Successful Career

Can you think back to someone in your life who you admire and look up to? Maybe it is someone who is very successful in their career, their family life, or even their social life? During lifeโ€™s journey we come across many people who have managed to be very successful at what they do. That is why it’s very important to find someone that you can learn fromโ€ฆ..a mentor.

Mentoring is a powerful personal and career development tool that can enable the mentee to achieve or exceed their life’s goals and aspirations. A mentor according to Merriam-Webster is ‘a trusted counselor or guide’.ย  Depending upon the mentee’s needs, a mentor shares knowledge and life experiences.ย  A good mentor will help you stay accountable to your goals, they will help you pay attention and stay on track. When you get frustrated and want to give up they will push you harder and keep you going.

Iโ€™ve had many mentors throughout the course of my career and still do as of this day. ย In fact, Iโ€™ve been both a mentor and a mentee.ย  Throughout my journey, I’ve relied on my mentors based on where I was in my career. ย In selecting a mentor, I always wanted someone to work with me who had done the things I’m striving to achieve and can challenge me.ย  I recently wanted to switch roles in my profession because I wanted to do something different that would allow me to grow professionally while having a little more flexibility in my day to day schedule.ย  Only problem was I didnโ€™t have any experience in that particular field.ย  I was just starting out so there was a lot I didnโ€™t know. ย What did I do? I joined the Mentoring Circle Program that was offered at work.ย  The program was designed to help professionals learn and grow in the workplace and accomplish their career goals.ย  By doing that, each mentee was assigned a mentor (someone who has been operating in your field of work for most of their life and can help guide you towards success).ย  I enjoyed the relationship my mentor and I developed.ย  She was well versed in this particular field of work and she provided me with helpful tips, job leads, as well as inspiration and motivation.

On the flip side, I have served as a mentor to others along my journey as well.ย  Some of the most important lessons I teach my mentees are to take the next step, to push themselves in achieving success, and to never ever give up.ย  I am their biggest cheerleader.ย I encourage them when things are going well and also when things are not going so well.

When I think of people that have achieved success in life whether theyโ€™re in the entertainment industry, public service, or corporate realm, I know theyโ€™ve had good mentors along the way. In fact, most senior associates will tell you they have/have had a mentor, too. The benefits of mentoring doesnโ€™t stop when you get that corner office. Youโ€™re never too experienced or high up to learn from others.ย  You must allow yourself to be open and vulnerable so that youโ€™re able to recognize your weaknesses and see where youโ€™re falling short.

It’s important to find a mentor who is willing and able to take you on. ย Mentors are instrumental for so many reasons, but essential for providing knowledge, motivation, advice and counsel, encouragement when you need it most, help with personal development and so much more. If you are lucky enough to find a personal mentor who can be all of these things to you, you will have an advantage over many others, because you have a secret weapon that can take you to the top.

Do you have a mentor?ย If not, what are you waiting for?ย People enjoy helping others more than you realize. So reach out to someone who have similar interests as you and see if they’d be interested in helping you shape out your own path.


ย Motivational Tip:ย True leaders donโ€™t create followers. They create more leaders.

Marsenia Mathis