The Nerdy Goalsetter

Are You Ready to Take Charge of Your Career in 2021?

There are 5 simple things required to getting what you want in your life and career.

  1. Get clear on what you want.
  2. Be intentional with how you think and feel about it.
  3. Know the basics required to get there.
  4. Be open and take action.
  5. Invest in Yourself.

If you’ve been taking random action and hoping for results (but not getting them), chances are you’re missing one of these vital steps.

In 2020 maybe you even skipped the first step or started questioning it part way through the year?

Regardless of your results in 2020, I want to help you get everything you want in 2021.

Thatโ€™s why I am pleased to announce that I will opening enrollment for my FIRST TIME EVER Pivot Your Careerย Membership Coaching Program.ย 

This accelerator coaching program is dedicated to coaching professionals in all phases of their career transition, from clarifying direction, discovering opportunities, polishing interview skills and once you receive an offer, helping you negotiate for the best salary.ย  Plus so much more!

Each month, we will have a topic specific masterclass followed by Q&A.ย  Some of the topics include but are not limited to:


1. How to Establish Your Professional Brand

2. How to Ace Your Interview

3. Developing Leadership Skills

4. Job Searching

5. Negotiating Salaries

6. The Importance of Investing in Yourself

7. How to Make Linkedin Work For You

8. Staying the Course when the Going Gets Tough

9. Resume Review

10. Dress For Success

If you are career minded, this opportunity provides you with the perfect springboard to thrust your career forward.

Who are we looking for?

15 Potential Candidates that are:

  1. Entering into the Workforce.
  2. Stuck in their current job and donโ€™t know what to do.
  3. Unhappy in their career.
  4. Someone who needs assistance in Job Searching, Interview Coaching, and Career Goal Setting.

If any of this applies to you, then youโ€™re in the right place.

Since this is our first year, thereโ€™s a one-time enrollment fee offered at an introductory rate of $197.ย 

Thatโ€™s right $197ย for the duration of the program. ย This is an overall membership value worthย $1,379.00. ย 

You will have access to all monthly masterclasses, there will be once a month support calls, a private Facebook Group, as well as special discounts on new merchandise.

This is the lowest price this coaching program will ever be.ย  Because after the initial year, the price will increase.

If youโ€™re on the fence about it, no worries.ย  Take a look at what some of our clients have to say.

As we kick off 2021, I want to invite YOUย to come and work with me on our exclusive Pivot Your Career Membership Coaching Program where together we will:

– Help you solidify your professional brand and messaging in your profession.

– Learn to exude confidence in the interview process.

– Attract more career opportunities by improving job searching skills.

– Negotiate better salaries.

– Understanding the importance of investing in yourself.

– Review/Revise Your Current Resume.

And more!!!

This program will only open once a year and you get the first insight into exclusive opportunities like this.

The doors will officially open to this program on February 1st and once the slots are filled, enrollment will close. ย ย 

I am only taking a handful of working professionals to work with me 1:1 this year, who are serious about their career growth and ready to do the work. So if you are looking for a high-level career mentor/coach for this year, this is the time to raise your hand.

Now, are you READY to PIVOT yourย careerย and achieve a 100% job satisfaction and discover new opportunities in 2021?

Go ahead and reserve your spot today.ย Remember, there are only 15 slots available. ย ACT NOW!